Cold caps are devices that reduce the hair loss caused by some types of chemotherapy. 通常, 第一次治疗后的三到四周, 化疗对毛囊的损害会导致脱发. (Hair follicles are tiny pockets in the scalp that contain the cells for hair growth.)

Cold caps work by cooling the scalp, which temporarily constricts blood flow to your hair follicles. This reduces the amount of drug that reaches your hair as well as the metabolic activity of your follicles, 使它们对化疗的影响不那么敏感.

The effectiveness of scalp cooling varies from person to person 和 depends on your chemotherapy regimen. 虽然使用冷帽并不能保证你能保住大部分头发, 它们可以减缓和减少脱发. 你仍然会经历头发稀疏和斑驳的脱发. 冷帽也不能防止身体其他部位的脱发, 所以它们不能帮你保留睫毛和眉毛.


大多数患者可以使用冷帽. 然而,如果你有以下情况,你将需要你的肿瘤十大赌博平台排行榜的批准:

  • 血液、皮肤或脑部的癌症
  • 感冒引起对寒冷非常敏感的一种状况
  • 头骨受到了辐射

有关可能使冷帽效果降低的十大赌博靠谱网络平台列表,请访问 DigniCap网站.



  • 他们希望对自己的诊断保密.
  • They hope that minimizing hair loss will make coping with their cancer diagnosis easier for their young children or other family members.
  • They feel that maintaining an element of control or a part of their identity can bolster their mental wellness during treatment.

If you're considering using cold caps, answering these questions may help with your decision:

  • 在治疗期间保持头发对我很重要吗?
  • 后冷却时间要求患者静坐数小时. 这对我来说有什么困难吗?
  • 在输液中心呆更长的时间对我有什么影响?
  • 我可以按照使用冷帽患者的护发建议吗?


If you decide to use cold caps, you'll need to choose a product that will work best for you. 在UCSF,我们支持两种类型:企鹅和DigniCap. 在两者之间做决定时,问问自己:

  • 有没有哪款冷帽产品更适合我?
  • 我想在家里还是在输液中心完成冷却后的治疗?
  • Do I have a caregiver who can come to my appointments to perform the capping process if I choose 企鹅? 如果没有,我能负担得起吗 白色手套服务?

要比较使用企鹅和DigniCap的过程,请参见 “过程”部分 下面. 另外,请考虑一下你要去哪个输液中心. 我们所有的输液点都可以容纳使用企鹅输液的病人. We can support DigniCap patients at our Mission Bay, 锡安山和伯克利输液中心. 了解更多关于 加州大学旧金山分校的DigniCap.


If you want to use a cold cap, your hair should be clean when you arrive at the infusion center. That means washing it the day before or the day of your treatment with a shampoo that's free of paraben, 硅树脂, 月桂硫酸钠. 在你接受治疗的那天,你的头发也必须没有任何产品.

你可以期待一个更长的输液日,当你有一个冷帽会议. 如果你打算在等待的时候听音乐或看视频, 带上戴耳式耳机而不是耳塞.

做好受凉的准备! 穿层. 输液中心会有温暖的毯子供您使用. (We cannot accommodate use of electric blankets or warmers due to fire code restrictions.) If you don't have mouth sores from your chemotherapy, bring a warm beverage to sip.

你可能会因为寒冷而感到不舒服. 询问你的输液中心护士你是否可以服用低剂量的止痛药, 比如布洛芬或乙omenaphin,然后再开始冷却过程.

如果您计划使用DigniCap,请检查这些 额外的指令.

如果您打算使用企鹅, 请在第一次输液前通知输液人员, so they can prepare for the additional equipment 和 cooling time that 企鹅 cold caps require.


您的会话的一般程序取决于您使用的冷帽产品. But with either product, cold caps are worn before, during 和 after your chemotherapy infusion.

The cap will go on for a "pre-cooling" period, which prepares your scalp for chemotherapy. 它会在你注射后保持一段“后冷却”期. Because chemotherapy drug levels peak in your system immediately after you complete an infusion, continued constriction of blood flow to your scalp for a few hours after treatment is the best way to protect your hair follicles. The length of the post-cooling period depends on the type of chemotherapy you're getting 和 may include the time you're receiving medications that don't cause hair loss.

DigniCap 企鹅
冷却机制 盖子连接到一个机器,该机器在整个盖子中循环冷却剂. 帽子的外层是由合成橡胶(氯丁橡胶)制成的。. The cap has a fuzzy exterior containing a gel polymer that stays cold after cooling.






You can disconnect from the machine for stretches of up to six minutes if you need to take breaks.

使用前需要进行旋盖过程培训. 当地的企鹅公司代表将为您安排培训课程. 你也会收到书面指示. 如果额外付费,您可以要求为护理人员提供Zoom培训.


  • 储存在加州大学旧金山分校冰箱里的瓶盖需要每30分钟更换一次.
  • 储存在装有干冰的便携式冷却器中的瓶盖需要每25分钟更换一次.


For an additional fee, 企鹅 offers a 白色手套服务 to help you change caps.







看到 UCSF推荐的后冷却时间 浏览不同治疗方案的资料.


A 企鹅 representative will provide recommended post-cooling times for different treatment regimens.

If you store your cold caps in a portable cooler, you can finish your post-cooling session at home.



阅读更多关于 费用、保险范围和经济援助.




阅读更多关于 费用、保险范围和经济援助.



  • 感觉冷
  • 轻度至中度头痛
  • 头皮疼痛(类似于大脑冻结)

Low doses of an over-the-counter pain medication, such as Tylenol or Advil, can limit these symptoms. 为了达到最佳效果,在戴上凉帽前30分钟服用. If you don't bring pain medication to your appointment, feel free to ask the infusion nurse for it.

If bare skin is in direct contact with the cold cap, it can cause skin darkening 和 blisters. 这些症状会自行逐渐消失. 保护你裸露的皮肤可以防止这种情况, 我们会为你的皮肤提供发带或其他防护, 取决于您使用的设备.


即使戴着冷帽, you will most likely experience some hair shedding or thinning because your hair follicles will be weakened by the chemotherapy. 减少化疗期间的脱发, be as gentle as possible with your hair during your course of treatment 和 for about two to three months after completing the last cycle of chemotherapy. 以下建议可以帮助保护你的头发:

  • 每周洗头一次或更少,用温水洗头. 避免热水. 如果你觉得头发干,就少洗头.
  • 只使用不含硫酸盐、硅树脂和对羟基苯甲酸酯的洗发水. (如果你染过头发或过度加工过头发,继续使用你常用的产品.)
  • 避免使用定型产品,如发胶和面霜.
  • 不要染发、烫发和吹干头发.
  • 限制每天梳头一次,使用宽齿梳子. Comb your hair before washing to remove any excess loose hairs 和 prevent tangling afterward.
  • 不要把头发扎成紧紧的马尾或圆发髻. Scrunchies that let you tie your hair back loosely are preferable to rubber b和s.
  • Avoid hair extensions (including sew-ins, weaves, lace front wigs, braids 和 crochets). They can stress your hair 和 worsen shedding or block scalp contact with the cold cap.
  • 辫子, 梳着, 辫子, 和 twists should be done loosely 和 in sections as thin as possible to avoid pulling on the hair 和 causing more shedding. 浓密的发辫可能会妨碍帽子与头皮的最佳接触.
  • 如果你的头发很自然, thermally straighten your hair before treatment 和 apply hair grease only to the ends before lightly wetting the scalp. 小的扭曲或辫子(没有延伸)是允许的.
  • If you have textured hair that's chemically straightened, proceed as normal with wetting the scalp. 小的扭曲或辫子(没有延伸)是允许的.
  • Avoid touching your hair, which can jostle the roots, 和 limit contact with rough materials. To protect it at night, use pillowcases made of soft, low-friction materials such as satin or silk.
  • If you want to wear a hair covering, look for hats that are loose 和 light-weight. Avoid swimming caps 和 wigs; they can be too tight or too heavy 和 pull on your hair.

更多的护发技巧可以在 DigniCap企鹅 网站.